Discover the wonder of flight in this hands on workshop by building different flyers. Groups select three activities from the below list to create and take home.
Gliders: Learn about the different components of a glider and how they fly. Once gliders have taken flight, controls can be altered to performed turns, barrel rolls, and more! Recommended Age: 9+, or 7+ with adult assistance
Outdoor Wooden Boomerangs (currently unavailable): Discover the science behind boomerangs while building a boomerang to fly outside. Recommended Age: 9+
Parachutes: Explore air resistance and how a parachute works by designing, building, and testing a model parachute. Recommended Age: 9+
Pool Noodle Rockets: Explore stability and drag while building a flinging rocket. Recommended Age: 7+, or 5+ with adult assistance
Straw Gliders and Paper Helicopters: Discover the basic forces of flight while building these two flyers! Recommended age: 5+
Stomp Rockets: Take a closer look at rockets while building a simple rocker and launder powered by a good stomp of the foot! Recommended ages: 7+, or 5+ with adult assistance.
Paper Airplane with Launcher: Fold a paper airplane, and launch it far! The paper launcher adds distance and accuracy. Recommended age: 7+, or 5+ with adult assistance.
Mini-Tour: Take a short 30-minute guided tour around the museum to see all of the aircraft on display! Recommended age: all ages.