Please provide us with the below information and we will be in contact with you as soon as we can. If you have any questions before filling out the form please contact our Education Manager at

Program Information
Preferred Dates (list up to 5)
Group Information
Contact Information

Terms and Conditions

  • Programs available during our regular open hours, as well as on evenings and weekends
  • Programs must be booked in advance on a first come/first serve basis, minimum 3 weeks’ notice
  • Adult to children ratios for each program must be met in order to run the program
  • Multiple group bookings may be available; two programs must be booked at least 1 month in advance and are subject to staff and space availability
  • All programs have a minimum booking fee of $125
  • Programs must be paid for on or before the date of the program. A 10% late fee per day may apply
  • Youth programs may only be booked by organized groups such as Air Cadets, Girl Guides, Boy Scouts and Cub Scouts at this time
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