You'll certainly inspire dreams of flight with your youth group by booking a sleepover at The Hangar Flight Museum. Delve into the history or science of flight with one of our educational youth programs, watch a movie and then sleep amongst the planes! 

  • Suggested Ages: 5 – 11

  • Youth Rates: $54 per youth for evening program; $63 per youth for evening and morning program.

  • Adults Rates: Adult required to meet supervision ratio* are complimentary. Additional adults are $20 each.


  • One night in our main hangar surrounded by historical aircraft
  • Choice of museum led program the evening of your arrival
  • Evening snack and continental breakfast
  • Optional evening movie
  • Add a museum led program in the morning after breakfast for $9.00 per youth


  • Sleepovers are offered 7 days a week with arrival times beginning at 5:00 PM
  • Must be booked in advance on a first come/first serve basis, minimum 3 weeks’ notice. Fall and winter dates fill up quickly. We recommend booking early
  • *Sleepovers have a required adult to youth ratio of 1:8 for youth under 12, and a 1:10 ratio for youth 12 and older
  • Sleepover crests are available for $3.00 each
  • Groups are required to bring their own sleeping gear
  • We can accommodate up to 60 people per sleepover
  • There is a minimum booking fee of $1000 for all sleepovers
  • Cancellations or major changes to a booking are permitted up to three weeks prior to your program without penalty. Cancellations or major changes with less than three weeks’ notice will result in additional fees
  • Final numbers and payment are due the Monday prior to the event. A 10% late fee per day may apply. Payment can be made by debit, credit, or cheque. We are unable to offer refunds after this point


What do we need to bring?

Sleeping gear is not provided by the Museum. Please bring a sleeping bag, foam pad or air mattress, and a pillow. You will also need pajamas, toiletries, and any other required personal items needed for an overnight stay. We require shoes to be worn at all times except for sleeping. We recommend bringing indoor shoes during winter or rainy weather.

Can we bring in air mattresses or cots?


What is included with breakfast?

Breakfast is self-serve and includes cold and hot cereal, toast, fruit, juice, coffee, and tea.

We have members of our group with allergies. Do you have snack and breakfast options for them?

We will make every effort to accommodate special dietary needs. Please advise staff of any dietary restrictions and allergies at the time of booking. Costs may be adjusted for special meal requests.

Do you have crests/patches?

Yes. Crests/patches are available for $3.00 each.

We are a small group. Can we still book a sleepover?

Small groups are able to book sleepovers, however the minimum booking fee is $1000. If your program fees from all your participants do not come to $1000 you will still be charged $1000.

Can we pay by cheque?

Yes. Cheques can be made out to The Hangar Flight Museum and can be dropped off or mailed in prior to your sleepover.

View all of the Youth Program Options

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Please provide us with the below information and we will be in contact with you as soon as we can. If you have any questions before filling out the form please contact our Education Manager at

Program Information
Preferred Dates (list upto 5)

Would your group like to watch a movie before bed?
Movies are played in the same room that you will be sleeping in. Youth will be in their sleeping bags and can fall asleep during the movie. We offer a limited selection for kid-friendly movie options. Groups are also welcome to bring their own movie. Please contact for more information.
Group Information
Dietary Concerns
Contact Information
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Have Questions?

contact our education manager